본문 내용의 빨간색 글씨는 ATP 출제 문제들을 반영합니다.
7.1 Flight Plans
7.2 SIDs and STARs
7.3 ATC -- Pretakeoff
2023.05.16 - [PHAK(2016)/14: Airport Operations] - (4) Airport Markings and Signs
2023.05.15 - [PHAK(2016)/14: Airport Operations] - (11) Collision Avoidance
7.4 Clearances and Clearance Limits
2023.07.22 - [AIM 4장: Air Traffic Control/Section 3. Airport Operations] - 4-3-18. Taxiing
7.5 ATC -- While En Route
7.6 ATC -- Speed Adjustments
7.7 VFR-on-Top
7.8 ATC -- Minimum Fuel and Emergencies
7.9 Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS)
7.10 Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B)
7.11 ATC -- Approach and Landing