본문 내용의 빨간색 글씨는 ATP 출제 문제들을 반영합니다.


6.1 Airspace


6.2 Class C Airspace


6.3 Airport Markings and Signs


2023.07.16 - [AIM 2장: Aeronautical Lighting and etc/Section 3. Airport Marking Aids & Signs] - 2-3-5. Holding Position Markings

2023.07.16 - [AIM 2장: Aeronautical Lighting and etc/Section 3. Airport Marking Aids & Signs] - 2-3-8. Mandatory Instruction Signs

2023.07.08 - [AIM(2023) 1장: Air Navigation/Section 1. Navigation Aids] - 1-1-9. Instrument Landing System(ILS)

2023.05.16 - [PHAK(2016)/14: Airport Operations] - (4) Airport Markings and Signs

2023.07.16 - [AIM 2장: Aeronautical Lighting and etc/Section 3. Airport Marking Aids & Signs] - 2-3-9. Location Signs

2023.07.16 - [AIM 2장: Aeronautical Lighting and etc/Section 3. Airport Marking Aids & Signs] - 2-3-3. Runway Markings

2023.07.16 - [AIM 2장: Aeronautical Lighting and etc/Section 3. Airport Marking Aids & Signs] - 2-3-11. Destination Signs

2023.07.16 - [AIM 2장: Aeronautical Lighting and etc/Section 3. Airport Marking Aids & Signs] - 2-3-13. Runway Distance Remaining Signs

2023.07.22 - [AIM 4장: Air Traffic Control/Section 3. Airport Operations] - 4-3-20. Exiting the Runway After Landing


6.4 Airport Lighting


2023.07.13 - [AIM 2장: Aeronautical Lighting and etc/Section 1. Airport Lighting Aids] - 2-1-5. In-runway Lighting

2023.07.13 - [AIM 2장: Aeronautical Lighting and etc/Section 1. Airport Lighting Aids] - 2-1-4. Runway Edge Light Systems

2023.07.13 - [AIM 2장: Aeronautical Lighting and etc/Section 1. Airport Lighting Aids] - 2-1-5. In-runway Lighting

2023.07.16 - [AIM 2장: Aeronautical Lighting and etc/Section 3. Airport Marking Aids & Signs] - 2-3-3. Runway Markings

2023.07.13 - [AIM 2장: Aeronautical Lighting and etc/Section 1. Airport Lighting Aids] - 2-1-9. Airport/Heliport Beacons

2023.07.13 - [AIM 2장: Aeronautical Lighting and etc/Section 1. Airport Lighting Aids] - 2-1-6. Runway Status Light(RWSL) System


6.5 VASI


2023.07.13 - [AIM 2장: Aeronautical Lighting and etc/Section 1. Airport Lighting Aids] - 2-1-2. Visual Glideslope Indicators


6.6 PAPI


2023.07.13 - [AIM 2장: Aeronautical Lighting and etc/Section 1. Airport Lighting Aids] - 2-1-2. Visual Glideslope Indicators


6.7 NOTAMs


2023.10.26 - [AIM 5장: Air Traffic Procedures/Section 1. Preflight] - 5-1-3. Notices to Air Missions (NOTAM) System


6.8 Land and Hold Short Operations (LAHSO)


2023.07.22 - [AIM 4장: Air Traffic Control/Section 3. Airport Operations] - 4-3-11. Pilot Responsibilities When Conducting Land and Hold Short Operations(LAHSO)


6.9 Bird Strikes


2023.12.06 - [AIM 7장: Safety of Flight/Section 5. Bird Hazards] - 7-5-3. Reporting Bird Strikes

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