본문 내용의 빨간색 글씨는 ATP 출제 문제들을 반영합니다.
15.1 Pressure Systems
2023.04.19 - [PHAK(2023)/12: Weather Theory] - (2) Atmosphere
2023.04.19 - [PHAK(2023)/12: Weather Theory] - (8) Wind and Currents
15.2 Weather Fronts
2024.02.22 - [ATP(2018)/15: AVIATION WEATHER] - 15.2 Weather Fronts
15.3 Coriolis Force
2023.04.19 - [PHAK(2023)/12: Weather Theory] - (8) Wind and Currents
2023.04.19 - [PHAK(2023)/12: Weather Theory] - (3) Coriolis Force
15.4 Clouds and Fog
2023.02.02 - [Instrument Flying Handbook(2012)/10: IFR Flight] - (9) Instrument Weather Flying
2023.04.19 - [PHAK(2023)/12: Weather Theory] - (9) Atmospheric Stability
15.5 Temperature Changes and Stability
2023.04.19 - [PHAK(2023)/12: Weather Theory] - (9) Atmospheric Stability
2023.04.19 - [PHAK(2023)/12: Weather Theory] - (8) Wind and Currents
15.6 Temperature Inversion
2023.04.19 - [PHAK(2023)/12: Weather Theory] - (9) Atmospheric Stability
15.7 Density, Pressure, and Corrected Altitude
2023.06.12 - [PHAK(2023)/8: Flight Instruments] - (2) Pitot-Static Flight Instruments
2023.01.02 - [Instrument Flying Handbook(2012)/4: Aerodynamic Factors] - (3) Atmosphere
15.8 Thunderstorms
2023.04.19 - [PHAK(2023)/12: Weather Theory] - (11) Fronts
2023.04.19 - [PHAK(2023)/12: Weather Theory] - (9) Atmospheric Stability
2023.02.02 - [Instrument Flying Handbook(2012)/10: IFR Flight] - (9) Instrument Weather Flying
2023.12.10 - [AIM 7장: Safety of Flight/Section 1. Meteorology] - 7-1-11. Weather Radar Services
2023.12.08 - [AIM 7장: Safety of Flight/Section 1. Meteorology] - 7-1-26. Thunderstorms
15.9 Icing
2023.04.19 - [PHAK(2023)/12: Weather Theory] - (9) Atmospheric Stability
2023.02.02 - [Instrument Flying Handbook(2012)/10: IFR Flight] - (9) Instrument Weather Flying
2023.05.30 - [PHAK(2023)/7: Aircraft Systems] - (20) Anti-Ice and Deice Systems
15.10 High-Altitude Weather
2024.02.21 - [ATP(2018)/15: AVIATION WEATHER] - 15.10 High-Altitude Weather
15.11 Arctic Weather
2024.02.22 - [ATP(2018)/15: AVIATION WEATHER] - 15.11 Arctic Weather
15.12 Tropical Weather
2024.02.22 - [ATP(2018)/15: AVIATION WEATHER] - 15.12 TROPICAL WEATHER